And the Oscar Goes Too…

entertainment, filmmaking Add comments

Something unique and exciting happened tonite. Something that made every geek pee his/her pants. A fantasy film took home best picture, and a bonified geek took home best director. I am talking about the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King my friends, and that hobbit masquerading as a kiwi down under, Peter Jackson. For the first time a favorite book from my childhood translated to movie magic (the others failed miserable). And while there was much omitted from the story, and some of it not handled as well as I would have liked (I’m a purist, so sue me 🙂 there was SO much that was done right and was handled with spirit grace like Professor Tolkien’s prose.

I thank you Peter Jackson, the talented cast and crew, and New Zealand, for bringing Middle Earth to  life. And most of all to John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, for inspiring us all.

Now its time to go throw my pants in the washer… Good nite all.

Post by ILO on 02/29/04 at 10:20 pm