The Faces of Pride

general, photography Add comments (2)

pinkladies.jpgAnother San Francisco Pride has come and gone. Saw a number of good films at the festival, including The Bubble, Shelter and Semper Fi. And actually managed to head out to the parade for the first time in many years.

I must admit I have been jaded with the parade for some time. I’vet long felt that it has been hijacked by various interest groups that seem to have less to do with the gay experience and more to do with pushing some political agenda.

But there was one thing I saw at the Pride parade that I had missed. And that was the PRIDE. Pride in what makes us all the same. Pride in what makes us all different. Sure the media is going to focus on drag queens and the half naked dykes on bikes, but who cares. I can reflect afterward on the skewed focus on our community, but while I’m there, all I can see is how beautiful (almost everyone 🙂 is, and how happy we are. Because this is our day.

At least that hasn’t been taken away from us… at least not yet.

Anyways, off my soapbox. I snapped quite a few pics. Some not for the faint of heart. Mom & Dad, you’ve been warned. 🙂

San Francisco Pride 2007 Photos

Post by ILO on 06/28/07 at 6:54 pm